Easter set No. 1, Gzhel

Article: 1012316
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Ingredientsfood coloring: yellow(E102), red(Е122), green(E142), blue(Е133); the labels "Gzhel"
net weight12 г
shelf life36 мес.
GOST/TUTU 2245-015-53853961-2007
Type of packingcarton box
package quantity120 шт

Part of the Easter pack # 1 includes 4 bags with dyes of yellow, red, green, blue, and 7 labels. Thermal otlichajutsja subject: Gzhel, icon, Khokhloma, Palekh. The packaging is equipped with a latch for placement on a strip tapes and other retaining structures.
Easter set No. 1, Gzhel.
Gzhel is an ancient center of Russia on manufacture of porcelain, earthenware and pottery. Stories are patterns taken from real-life situations: home life, from experience travel in Russia for sale products from clay. Gzhel ceramics, the world is full of life: girls with buckets, women, horses, family, strangers. Not paid attention to and fairy-tale characters: the wolf, carrying a lamb, a vulture, tearing prey. Painted Gzhel are very simple and sometimes naive, but always with sparkling humor and a full recognition of the characters.

